• 毕业典礼上的信息

    毕业周快乐! 如果你还需要你的雨票或荣誉勋章, 他们将在周五的报到时提供给你(Hickory校区).

    学生报到时间是周五下午4:30.m. 在舒福德体育馆. 客人们被要求在下午5点半前就座.m.





Prepare yourself for a fulfilling future in ministerial and public leadership. 全球网赌十大网站独特的,为期三年的M.Div. program seeks to shape the entire person for faithful service to the church and to the world.

从2022年秋季开始,M.Div课程将以混合在线形式提供. 学生 can choose to attend in-person on the LTSS campus or through a hybrid-online format that combines remote learning with face-to-face educational experiences, including the required semesters of supervised field experience and on-campus gatherings twice per year.


作为一名学生, 你将加入一个关闭, 以基督为中心的社区,教师将教, 在神学院及以后的旅程中,塑造和滋养你. You may also benefit from the deep connections LTSS has to the local and regional community, 全球网赌十大网站的许多学生从哪里开始他们的公共服务.

Our graduates are prepared to succeed in a variety of ministry settings, especially in congregations.


  • 宗教文化遗产: Understanding Christian heritage through the study of scripture, 神学和教会历史.
  • 文化背景: Understanding various cultural contexts of Christian ministry through particular courses and ministry experiences.
  • 个人和精神的形成: 个人信仰的成长, 心理成熟, moral integrity and public witness as a member of a community in which you study, 一起敬拜服侍.
  • 部长和公众领导: Practice and reflect upon various kinds of ministries in your internships and other field education experiences.


Take the next step toward completing your Master of Divinity degree at LTSS.


Take the next step toward completing your Master of Divinity degree at LTSS.



全球网赌十大网站的许多学生都是路德教徒,但不是所有的学生都是. 在南方路德神学院, we believe that being Lutheran means being in relationship with other denominations. 这就是为什么全球网赌十大网站的一些学生是卫理公会教徒, 有些是浸信会教徒,也有其他教派的学生. Your questions and insights have a place here regardless of your denomination.

Some students enter seminary with extensive academic background in religious studies and theology. Others have experience in ministry, which may be relevant to certain courses. If you believe you are one of these students, please contact the registrar at registrar@313661.com, who will consider your circumstances in consultation with the dean or other appropriate faculty and staff.



Each of the programs on the Columbia campus shares a beautiful piece in common, serving others. 这些项目都是为了培养那些被召唤去服务他人的学生...



南方路德神学院 is accredited by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) in the United States and Canada, 认证委员会. 以下学位课程被批准:神学硕士, 宗教文学硕士, 基督教事工文学硕士和神圣神学硕士.


从2022年秋季开始,M.Div. students will have the opportunity to complete the curriculum in a hybrid format as an alternative to residing on or commuting to campus. 它将把远程学习与面对面的教育体验结合起来, including the required semesters of supervised field experience and on-campus gatherings twice per year.

The hybrid option still offers students opportunities for fellowship and formational events with faculty and residential students.



The Master of Divinity (MDiv) degree is a three-year program (84 credit hours) that prepares persons for ordained ministry in most mainline churches. It is also available to students who wish to integrate ministerial formation into other kinds of professions. MDiv对所有教派的学生开放. This curriculum seeks to shape the entire person for faithful service to the church and to the world. The MDiv can be used to fulfill the Disciplinary Basic 研究生 Theological Studies (BGTS) courses and certain other conference membership and ordination requirements in the United Methodist Church. It also applies to those who have completed the UMC's Basic Course of Study and have a bachelor's degree.


请访问研究生招生的最新 项目全球赌博十大网站要求.

全球赌博十大网站 & 事件


汤普森带来了全面的经验, high professional esteem and leadership excellence to guide all healthcare programs at LR.

Class officers Diego Sanjuan and Bethany Perry lead the line of 2024 graduates

五月的第二个星期, Lenoir-Rhyne University will hold commencement ceremonies recognizing the Class of 2024 at our three campus locations in Hickory, N.C.阿什维尔,n.n.C. 南卡罗来纳州哥伦比亚市.C.
